Professional Development Coaching Grant

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Saskatchewan Soccer Association (SSA) offers funding for registered Saskatchewan coaches looking to improve their coaching proficiency through professional development opportunities. 

Priority will be given to coaches wishing to obtain Canada Soccer Advanced Coach Education Program Diplomas; however, applications for other professional development opportunities may be considered on a case-by-case basis should funding remain in any given year. Funding can be used to help offset the cost of the following:

  • Course/Clinic Fees or Registration 
  • Travel, Meals, and Accommodation while attending the Course/Clinic

How it Works:

  1. Applicants must be registered as a coach with the SSA. 
  2. Applicants must pay for the course/clinic/event prior to attending and participate fully to be eligible for funding. 
  3. The applicant must submit an application to the SSA for the Professional Development Coaching Grant by October 31st of any given year to be considered for funding. 
  4. The application must include all original receipts pertaining to the development opportunity. 
  5. Applicants are encouraged to include a one page cover letter describing the benefits of attendance at the developmental opportunity to their Member Organization and/or SSA.
  6. Applicants are eligible for reimbursement of up to 50% of eligible expenses pertaining to the Professional Development opportunity to a maximum of $1,000 per calendar year.
  7. SSA will review all applications in November with grants distributed before the end of the calendar year. 
  8. A pool of $2,000 will be allocated to the Professional Development Grant in any given year to be divided amongst successful candidates based on eligible expenses. 
  9. If the full allocation of funding is not utilized in any given year, it may be reallocated to the Referee Development Grant and/or Female Development Grant.
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